Conspiracy (TNG episode)

"Conspiracy" is a first season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, first broadcast May 9, 1988. It is episode #24, production #125, teleplay written by Tracy Torme, based on a story by Robert Sabaroff, and directed by Cliff Bole.

Quick Overview: The strange behavior of high ranking officers, leads Picard to uncover a twisted alien conspiracy within Starfleet.

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Picard uncovers an alien threat brewing inside Starfleet Command, in "Conspiracy".

On stardate 41775.5, the USS Enterprise is on her way to the tropical paradise planet of Pacifica for a scientific mission and a little bit of shore leave. Suddenly, Lt. Worf receives a Code 47 transmission over subspace radio. A Code 47 is for the Captain's eyes only, and Commander Riker has it patched through to Captain Picard. Captain Walter Keel appears on the screen. He looks nervous and whispers to Picard, even though they're on a secured encrypted channel. Keel won't explain the reason he called Picard, and says they need to talk face-to-face. What he has to say is too risky to discuss even over a secured channel. He tells Picard to meet him on Dytallix B as soon as possible. He tells Picard not to trust anyone.

Picard comes to the bridge and asks Mr. Data what he knows of Dytallix B. Data indicates the planet is an uninhabited world owned by the Dytallix Mining Corporation in the nearby Mira system. Picard orders a course change for the planet. Their arrival at Pacifica will have to be delayed. The Enterprise arrives in orbit around the desolate planet. Worf detects three other Federation starships in orbit with them; the frigates USS Renegade, commanded by Tryla Scott, and USS Thomas Paine, commanded by Captain Rixx, and the Ambassador Class cruiser USS Horatio, Walter Keel's ship. None of the ships offer greetings. Everything is too quiet. Riker wonders what they are even doing here, but Picard gives no explanation. Three life forms are detected on the surface, near an entrance to one of the mines. Picard indicates he will be beaming down, alone.

Picard materializes in front of a dark tunnel. He sees three figures approach, two of them level phasers at him. Captain Keel greets him asks where they first met. Picard says they met in a bar on Tau Ceti III. Keel asks Picard if he remembers the night he introduced Jack Crusher to Beverly. Picard says until that night, he never knew Jack or Beverly. It was Keel who had introduced them. Keel indicates his brother introduced them. Picard tells him he doesn't have a brother, only two sisters, Anne and Melissa. He demands to know what this is all about. Keel relaxes and the two other officers lower their weapons. Keel explains he had to sure Picard was not "gotten to" yet. He introduces Captains Rixx, a blue skinned Bolian and the young female officer, Tryla Scott. Picard had met Rixx before at the Altairian conference, and he knows Scott had climbed the ranks to Captain faster than anyone in Starfleet history.

Keel gets down to business, explaining they have all met in secret to discuss a new threat. Tryla asks him if he's noticed unusual about Starfleet Command lately. Picard explains they've been away for quite a while. Keel explains they have been noticing strange patterns emerging, unusual orders given by high-ranking officials, and their backing of irrational proposals. Rixx indicates Starbase 12 was abandoned for two days with no explanation given. Tryla mentions the unusual deaths of Admiral Mckinney, Ryan Sipe, and Onna Karapleedeez, all reported as accidents. She believes the Enterprise may be targeted next. Picard is incredulous. Attacked? By whom? Keel wishes he knew. He says those in top command are changing somehow. Picard admits he's at a loss. They have shown no proof to go on. How are people being changed? Keel can't say, only thinking it has spread to his ship. He's noticed odd behavior in his first officer and chief medical doctor since their last visit to Earth. All he asks is Picard keep his eyes open, and to communicate with them covertly. This meeting never took place as far as Starfleet is concerned. Picard stands bewildered. Keel says tells him to watch his back.

Picard returns to the Enterprise in turmoil and orders a continued course to Pacifica. In the meantime, he has Data look up all abnormal orders Starfleet has given to ships, bases and colonies in the past six months. Data's lightning fast absorption of information takes him only a few hours of what would take someone else months to sift through. A little while later, Worf detects a disturbance slightly off their heading. Picard alters course to investigate, encountering a debris field. Worf conducts scans and determines from the volume of wreckage it can only be the Horatio. The ship has been totally destroyed. A sinking feeling hits Picard as he realizes that if needed some evidence of conspiracy, this was it.

Picard fills Riker in about the details of his secret meeting. Picard explains that during their visit by Admiral Quinn, Quinn had indicated there was a subversion brewing within Starfleet. Keel tried to tell him the same thing, and how he's dead. He can only believe the destruction of the Horatio was sabotage. Data enters and relays what he has found in the database. There are numerous abnormal directives relayed by Starfleet Command, showing several actions to reshuffle personnel around at various outposts. All the officers have had frequent contact with the highest officials at Starfleet Command. The orders have been given with great subtlety that no one has really taken notice. Data theorizes it is a clandestine attempt to control vital sectors of Federation territory. Riker wonders if it could be a prelude to invasion. What should they do? March to Starfleet Command and ask what they are doing? Picard thinks for a moment; "Why not?"

The Enterprise turns course once again and flies at maximum speed toward Earth. Upon arrival there, a message comes in. Three senior officers appear on the screen; the Vulcan, Admiral Savar, the aging Admiral Arron, and the familiar Admiral Quinn. Entering the screen behind them is Lt. Commander Dexter Remmick. Savar bids greetings, indicating they are always delighted when the Enterprise returns home. However, their unscheduled visit is odd. Governor Delaplane of Pacifica has been waiting for them. What is the reason for their visit? Picard explains it's something they need to discuss in person and asks for permission to beam down. The three admirals look to each other and whisper something. Savar says they would be delighted if Picard and Riker join them for dinner in 20 minutes. Picard nods, but Quinn mentions he won't be attending the dinner, instead he'd like to pay a visit to the Enterprise. Picard and Riker prepare to receive him. Perhaps he is still on their side and wants to talk secretly.

Quinn beams up, carrying a small case. He is greeted warmly by Picard. Quinn shakes his hand somewhat vigorously, and Picard notices he seems to be feeling better from the last time he saw him. Quinn exclaims he never felt better. They head out and walk slowly down the corridor. Picard recalls what Quinn said on Relva VII; about the threat brewing inside the Federation. Quinn asks if it is why they came back to Earth, and laughs. He says Picard has taken him too literally. He was referring to the difficulty involved in integrating new races into the Federation. An ongoing and tumultuous process that causes stress on all aspects of the alliance. Picard is dazed, but apologizes for the misunderstanding.

Picard is to head down for their dinner engagement, he tells Quinn accommodations are waiting for him. Riker will stay aboard and see to any of his needs. Quinn assures that isn't necessary, but Picard insists. Quinn heads off and Picard stares at him with narrowed eyes. He turns to Riker and says that is not Admiral Quinn. He may look and sound like him, but that isn't the man he knows. Riker is skeptical. Picard tells him to keep an eye on his every move. Have Beverly concoct a reason to examine him, he says. Riker wonders how, but Picard tells him to think of something. "Use force if necessary." Riker reminds him that Quinn is a senior admiral, but Picard is certain that is not Quinn. He's going down to Earth to find out how he's been duplicated, and who or what is behind it. Riker doesn't think Picard should go alone, but Picard says he'll be careful. He tells Riker to head down later, with force if warranted. Picard beams down finding Admiral Savar and Admiral Arron waiting. Savar bids him a welcome home. Picard indicates Riker will be joining them later, to which Savar responds almost coldly "yes, I'm sure he will". Remmick appears and greets Picard as well. Savar hopes Picard is hungry. They have prepared a special meal in his honor. Picard is suspicious but follows them to a lounge.

Back on the Enterprise, Riker enters Quinn's quarters and asks if he's ready for his tour. Riker spots the case and wonders what's inside. Quinn says it's a life form, discovered by accident during a survey mission. Quinn opens the case revealing a tiny squirming bug-like creature with a nasty set of pincers. Riker says hadn't heard of anything like that before. Quinn assures him they'll be hearing about it soon. After all, it's a superior form of life. Riker wonders what he means by "superior", and Quinn tells him to come closer to take a look. Riker is uncertain of what to do. Quinn's expression seems to darken. Riker says he could let a science officer have a look, but Quinn replies; "It won't like your science officer. It likes you." With strength unlike an old man, Quinn forcefully grabs Riker's arm and pulls him toward the case. Riker is astonished, and tries to pull away but Quinn attacks him with a karate kick to the chest sending him crashing through a glass table. Riker tries to call for help, but Quinn grabs him and throws him across the room.

Down on Earth, Picard tries to explain his visit, but Arron interrupts, and offers a toast to the Horatio. They all clink glasses, but Picard is wary. Arron sarcastically replies; "what a terrible loss of life." Since the ship was brought up, Picard asks if the cause of her destruction was ascertained. Savar states the cause was negligence on the part of her captain. Deep inside Picard is raging, but he knows it would be foolish to lash out now.

Back on the Enterprise, Worf and Geordi come running to Quinn's room, finding Riker out cold on the floor. Quinn says he slipped and hit his head as Geordi calls a medical emergency. Quinn begins to calmly exit, but LaForge blocks his path. Quinn looks like he is about to protest the action, but quickly makes a swing at Geordi. Geordi ducks and fires his phaser at the Admiral. The old man absorbs the beam and staggers, but he looks up shaking his head. Quinn makes a leap at LaForge and throws him through the doors of the room and out into the corridor. Worf takes a defensive stance and Quinn looks more than willing to take him on. Worf psychs himself up and shouts like a savage warrior, firmly planting a blow to Quinn's head. The Admiral steps back and pops his head back into position With the power of ten men, Quinn grabs Worf in the stomach and picks the Klingon up over his head. Worf shouts in agony, but suddenly a phaser blasts hits Quinn. He drops Worf to the floor. Quinn turns and is stuck by the powerful blasts again and again. Dr. Crusher stands in the doorway with a phaser in hand. She increases the power of the weapon and fires again. The beams take their toll and Quinn and he staggers. Suddenly Worf finishes off Quinn with a powerful blow to the head. The man crumples to the floor.

Riker and Quinn are taken to sickbay, and Beverly begins her scans. She indicates it's Quinn alright. Retinal scans confirm it. Geordi is baffled. How can that be? He picked him up like a rag doll. When Quinn tilts his restless head to one side, Beverly notices a pointy bump sticking from the back of his head. She gently touches the protrusion and it squirms a bit. Beverly is shocked and sets up for cranial scan.

Back on Earth, Picard and the Admirals are called to dinner. Picard says he'd like to call for Riker. The others allow it and leave him alone for a moment. Picard calls the Enterprise where Dr. Crusher informs him that Riker has been attacked by Quinn. Quinn has some kind of parasite attached to his brain. She has never seen anything like it before. It's tendrils are stimulating the adrenal glands and give the subject incredible strength. The creature breaths through a small “gill” like organ that protrudes from the back of the neck. She tells him it should be visible on anyone who has been compromised, and he has to set his phaser on “kill” to stop them. Picard reminds her one doesn't come to Starfleet headquarters armed. Suddenly, Remmick comes up behind Picard to tell him his food is getting cold. Picard signs off stating he's off to dinner. Have Riker beam down as soon as he's ready. Beverly signs off and is stunned when she feels a hand touch her shoulder. It's Riker.

Picard arrives in the dining room. An armed guard stands by the door. Picard takes a seat before a lid covered bowl, and removes the lid to find it filled with squirming larva. He is immediately disgusted. Admiral Arron catches his expression and tells him to eat up. Picard watches Savar and Arron take handfuls of the living meal and gulp them down. Picard is nauseated and rises from his seat. He tries to walk away but finds Commander Riker blocking his path. Riker tells him; "You're not going anywhere". Picard is frozen in shock. Arron walks up and checks Riker's neck. He has a parasite gill protruding out. Arron is angry, telling him he was meant for the doctor, but Riker says his host got in the way. Savar tells Arron not to worry, the good doctor will be joining them soon. Doors open nearby and Tryla Scott enters. Savar greets her saying the setting is now complete. Savar looks to Picard. He asks if Picard thought they weren't aware of their little scheme. He assures they know all the details.

Picard asks them what kind of creatures they are. Where do they come from and what do they want? Savar states that is not important. They have come a long way to join them. Tryla indicates they are a perfect match. The humans are the brawn, the parasites are the brains. Savar indicates they have acted slowly, not to arouse suspicion, but now it's too late. They control nearly everything, and soon will also control the Enterprise. Picard sits dejected. He watched Riker remove the lid from his bowl and grab a handful of maggots. The others grin with sinister delight. Riker is just about to put the clump of worms in his mouth, but suddenly he withdraws his phaser and blasts the guard. Alarmed, Tryla withdraws her weapon and takes aim at Riker, but he manages to cut her down. Picard leaps for the fallen guard's weapon as Arron flees out the door and Savar tries to subdue Riker with a nerve pinch. Picard shoots Savar and the Vulcan drops to the floor. Picard looks to Riker who reaches behind his neck and removes the phony gill Beverly has placed there. Both give chase after Arron who is running down a corridor. They shoot him from behind and the man falls to the floor. They stand over him and watch one of the bugs crawl from his mouth and scamper under a nearby door.

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Dexter Remmick as the host

Riker and Picard take a defensive stance, ready to face whatever is in the room beyond. Riker triggers the door control and they slide open revealing Remmick sitting at a computer console. Remmick turns and calmly asks them what the problem is. Picard points to one of the parasites as it scampers toward Remmick and begins to crawl up his leg. Riker is ready to react but Picard holds him back. They watch the bug crawl up Remmick's arm. He tilts his head and opens his mouth. The bug slowly climbs inside. Riker and Picard are horrified. Remmick looks at them. His neck bulges from the movement of other parasites inside. Remmick says; "We mean you no harm. We seek peaceful co-existence."

With their phasers at maximum setting, Picard and Riker simultaneously fire at Remmick, whose head explodes; a large wound is formed in his chest, where he was shot. Dozens of dead parasites fall from the corpse. Suddenly, a large creature rises from the remains of Remmick's lower torso and shrieks. Riker and Picard fire at it, until it disintegrates into a smoldering hunk of flesh. Afterward, Picard and Riker return to the ship. Dr. Crusher reports the parasite inside Quinn has diminished to nothingness. Apparently, they cannot survive without the mother creature that was inside Remmick. The lingering question is what those creatures are, and where they are from. Data indicates, before Remmick was killed, he was sending a signal toward a distant quadrant of the galaxy. It appears to be a homing beacon, to lead something back to Earth.


In keeping with the darker tone of the episode, Remmick's on-screen death scene at the end of the episode is one of the more gruesome ones in the history of Star Trek. The flesh on his face is melted away to expose his sinew-covered skull, and his chest cavity is blown open. The impact is somewhat blunted by the relatively crude nature of the special effects used at that time.

It has been speculated that Species 8472 were the creators of the alien parasites. This unproven theory would explain how the 8472s obtained sufficient intelligence on Humanity to recreate Starfleet Academy as a training ground in a thwarted infiltration plan.

In the Deep Space Nine book "Unity" it is found that the parasites were originally created by genetic modifications of Trill symbionts; this, being a novel, is of course not canon.

This episode marks the last appearance of the first pattern Next Generation Admiral insignia. The insignia was replaced in the second season by rank pips within "collar boxes", in response to fan protests that the original Admiral insignia was confusing and that the Admiral uniforms, themselves, were unattractive.

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